When I was in middle-early high school, my uncle had a stroke He had recently been taken off one of his blood pressure medications and his dog was hit by a car His neighbors and the driver helped him back to his house and and his kids helped with his rehab, but he still had a herd of cattle to take care of
My dad offered to help, of course, And to my surprise, he asked if I wanted to do it with him Although I had no clue what I'd be doing, he never let me help so I jumped on the chance
Having never been around farm animals before, their size daunted me But when the only bull there acted like a giant dog and ate from dad's hand, I was calmed down So we'd run two buckets of feed out to them once a day for about a year, until they were sold
After that, my dad and I would go try and dig my grandpa's old horse-drawn grain mill from where it'd sat for decades A tree had swallowed up about half of one of the wheels, so we came back again and again with heavier tools until we just stopped We never got it out, winter came and that was the end of it, but I'm happy he made an effort to spend time with me even when he no longer had to
Now the house is someone else's, the pasture filled with the neighbor's cows But I still enjoy passing by and remembering the experiences I had there and I'm grateful for the chance to find some kind of common ground with my dad before it was too late