Hi, im Norman. I heard that you immigrants have been trying to go through the US border. Pass without your documents, hide from the police. And do the bad for people, kill them!
People from the US don't want immigrants to pass the border because insecurity has been increasing.
I don't want to spend much time on the border, let's do what Norman told us.
I think we should go somewhere else to talk better.
I dont know if this is okay...
The immigrants have to be good, they bring up a better economy indeed they incresease labor and economic production. They also contribute to increase productivity.
Immigrants have been marked as people that travel to another country for a better life such as economic, health, security and others. If immigrants cheat they will have a punishment.
I don't know what to believe. I don't even know the real definition of immigrants.
You are convincing me, I think I will go!
I think I will go along with john and with Norman's help.
I think I will pass like Norman told us. I really need to change my lifestyle.
One day there was a man that was from Afghanistan and wanted to migrate to the United States. He was a black man and the police from the USA were racist, so they treated him badly. They didn’t let him into the United States, even though he was giving his documents and he was passing in a legal way. Since that day Norman has been trying to manipulate the immigrants that want to get to the USA in an illegal way.