Hello!, I am a citizen of the U.S and it is my responsiblity to follow the law and do my duties.
Because I was born an American citizen I was not requried to take the test to become one, but my Parents were required to, as they had to make sure they were loyal to the U.S and would do their duty as citizens
These duties included having Obeying the law, paying taxes, serving as a jury once summoned, and registering for selective service for the military.
Even if I am a dog, my owner must do these duties, because if he doesn't the whole U.S would be burning with crime everyday and inflation would explode everywere, these duties help keep the people from tearing eachother apart and maintaing order within the U.S
I also have responsiblities as a citizen, these are things that I am not required to do, but they government would be happy if I did do so. Some of these include: voting, being included in politics, stay informed of your community and what is happening in the world, and respecting the rights of others
Well my owners gone again, so I'm going to tell you why the responsibilities of a citizen are important, even if they aren't mandatory. If we didn't have the responsibilities out there, then people wouldn't know how to vote for the next president and if that happens then corrupt officials could take advantage, which could lead to many being voted and being put to power. If we didn't care about what was happening in our communities then we would see many communities being destroyed because of negligence if we didn't respect each other, we would be seeing major fights breaking out across the U.S, even if they aren't mandatory they are still a vital part in keeping the U.S alive.
Being a citizen may have its ups and downs, it is still important to follow your responsiblities and duties so that the U.S can live on, and if you do you can enjoy all the ups about being a U.S citizen.