Son, I heard you bully a kid in your school. Why did you do that? Can you explain it to me why?
Shut up you two, call your parents now and we'll settle this silly fight of yours. For God sake you two are an adult already you're not supposed to fight like this.
Uhm, I'm sorry dad. I don't know maybe its because of the news I saw yesterday about bullying. I know its wrong I'm sorry.
There are some students fighting in the campus. and the teachers can't do anything to take it down. So we call the police to stop the fight...
Shut up, you liar. Ma'am can you please check the CCTV to make sure who's telling the truth.
Hey man, I just want to apologize from what happened. I am deeply sorry,will you forgive me? I hope I can make things right with you man.
Yes, dad I understand. Thank you for not shouting to me and talk me calmly. I am deeply sorry, and yes I promise I will be more cautious to the situations I will see in the future.
You see son, not all the things you see in TV, Social Media are good influence for you to copy it. You need to understand what is wrong and what is right. In fact you're a grown kid, and you supposed to know that things. Apologize to you classmate tomorrow okay?? And also to your teacher. Lastly, promise to me that from now on you will analyze first the situations that you see in TV, online and such.
Apology accepted bro. I have my mistakes also its not just you, so I'm sorry. I think quits? AHHAHHAA
"EXPLANATION"As you can see in the dialogue's of the characters the claims of explicitly and implicitly that includes facts, values, and policy claims are well said. Like the "I don't know maybe its because of the news I saw yesterday about bullying. " it suggest here that he argues on what he thinks is good and bad so her dad talks to him and make him realize that what he did was bad. Then another is "Ma'am can you please check the CCTV to make sure who's telling the truth" means that the evidence are in the CCTV it self so the kid suggest to check it so that they can have proof. Lastly is when the father make a conditions on his son on how to make his mistakes right by saying "Apologize to you classmate tomorrow okay?? And also to your teacher. Lastly, promise to me that from now on you will analyze first the situations that you see in TV, online and such" says that his son should do these things so that he will learn his lessons and not do it again.