why can't they just sell Florida to me, I think it's unfair.
we need to get to Florida!
I do not know why Andrews wouldn't listen to me. I made my statement clear!
After Jefferson got the Louisiana territory, he wanted Florida so he asked Spain, but they said no and ignored him. Spain wanted to keep florida in their own territory.
execute them! they are starting fights with the Indian tribe!
White Americans wanted America to take over Florida as well because the slaves that had run away all made their way to Florida.
what should I do about Andrew Jackson?
In 1818, Andrew Jackson was sent by President Monroe to Georgia to stop all the raids. Jackson instead went to Florida with 1700 other troops. He captured Spanish military.
We finally got Florid! It is not apart of the U.S.
Jackson then continued to arrest and execute the Spanish people. He killed 2 british people for having a fight with Indians.
The president did not want war, so he asked him cabinet what step to take next. Everyone voted to remove Jackson except for John Adams.
Spain did not want war either, so they left in 1819 and let America have Florida. America had to pay off $5 million dollars worth of settlers claim because of Texas.