smart man talks to a sad man on the bench and changes his budgeting life
My parents kicked me out and I have no money
Hey dude why are you sad, whats wrong.
Sad man on bench learns about budget
Wow Ive never heard of that could you tell me more about ssetting up a budget
Dude you should totally make a budget to help you keep better track of your money and spending.
Frederick sat on the bench sad because his parents kicked him out and he had no job.
Whats that?
Tyreek talks to Frederick
Its where you take 50 % percent of your daily income and set it aside for your needs and then you tale 30 % for wants and the last 20% for savings
Tyreek talks to Frederick and tried to help him with his budget.
Wow dude thanks so much, your the first person to be this kind to me. 
First off you need to know the 50/30/20 budgeting rule
Thanks for a brief summary of a budget but I still have no money and no job.
Frederick went on to become the CFO of the man's company as his budgeting skills got better and better. They became good friends and Frederick spread his budgeting tips to anyone he met so no one had to live as he did.
I actually own my own company and would very glad if you could come work for me.