Parvana misses the sound of Father snoring; his presence has always helped her feel safe. She worries about him in prison—he's joining lots of other people they know in there. Parvana tells her mother to put a lamp in the window so he can find his way home if they let him go—but walking may be a problem
Parvana stays awake all night, staring at the one small window. It’s high on the wall, so Father refused to paint it black when the Taliban ordered everyone paint their windows to obscure the women inside.
At dawn, Parvana and Mother decides to get Father out of jail. Since buses can't carry women without male escort, Mother and parvana must walk the whole way.
Parvana wraps her chador around her head and follows Mother outside. She helps Mother down the stairs and Mother takes off into the streets. Parvana rushes behind; all the women look the same in their burqas and she doesn’t want to lose Mother.
Finally, after a long walk, Mother and Parvana reach Pul-i-Charkhi Prison. It’s a scary place. Parvana reminds herself that Malali wouldn’t be afraid and notes that Mother at least looks unafraid. Mother marches up to a guard and says she’s here for her husband, showing her photograph.
Finally, a soldier snatches the photograph and tears it up and another begins beating Mother. He tells her to go home. Another solider hits Parvana. When Parvana falls to the ground, she quickly gathers the pieces of the photograph. She then leaps up, says they’ll go, and helps Mother up. They hobble home.