It's alright. Hey, I've been hearing some humans cutting down trees nearby and everyone's been talking about those humans moving in. You heard about this?
I'm scared Apple Tree. What can anyone do about this?
How's your morning today?
Yeah... I have, and its very heartbreaking to hear
That's nice and all but it's not like I see many of em doing this stuff right now and why would they even care about doing this stuff...
So, will this be fixed or not? I now know ways we can prevent this but I'm not too sure if it will happen or not. At least, not where we are.
Well Sapling, for one thing, the very humans that destroy our life can also be the very ones that save it. You see, humans can plant seeds or donate to others who plant trees as well as using less of our products in all.Even the smallest thing like using less water, oil, or electricity can also have a huge impact on the trees that prevent pollution in the air.
Well... I'm not saying everyone is, but everyone should. You see, trees are the main reason humans are alive, the air they breathe, and the food they eat. As long as they're inspired, they can do good.
Unfortunately, we as trees can't do much to inspire this. All we can do is hope there are good people out there inspiring others.
Apple Tree look! Someones planting one right now!
You see Sapling, as long as people know the facts they can be inspired to do great things.