The four noble truths included The following 1. Life is full of suffering 2. The cause of suffering is desire and ignorance 3. To end the cycle of desire is to end suffering 4. One can be free of suffering by following the Eighthfold Path
Happiness was said to be found in the four noble truths.
Buddhism in China
That would be me
Buddhism is based on the understanding of life founded by Siddhartha Gautama in India
ReincarnationReincarnation is based on the deeds, or karma over one’s lifetime.Your karma is tallied up and you are given another life to live
Buddhism in China continued
I am finally ready to end the devastating cycle of rebirth and the suffering that is life. I have reached Nirvana.
Nirvana is the eternal peaceful state achieved by good karma over multiple lifetimes.
Buddhism spread from China to Korea, and from Korea to Japan.
ConfucianismConfucianism is a system of philosophy based on respect, behavior, and empathy that began in ancient China
Civil service exams were confucian-style
Impact on Confucianism
I am Confucius, I founded the belief system, so it is named after me
I got a high score, I can now work in civil service
Important Confucian Principals included respect, responsibility, loyalty, and duty to the family and state.
I stress outward thinking and how to act in the world.
Impact on Confucianism Continued
I stress the belief in morals and more inward thinking
The 5 bonds (Relationships) of confucianism are ruler to subject, Father to son, spouse to spouse, friend to friend, and sibling to sibling
Confucianism is a belief system based on respect for others
The three belief systems in china
1. Confucianism: Loyalty to family & state2. Buddhism: good deeds (karma)3. Daoism: Living in harmony w/ nature
Confucianism’s involvement with duty on earth inspired daoism and Buddhism