get ready for a hard three weeks guys! We are starting a salt march so we have 250 miles to go
The best way of protesting is to start creating our own salt as your salt tax contributes to a large amount of your unfair paiment.
lets do this!
Oh wise man! what can we do with our own lives other than moping about doing nothing!
All you need to do is get job!Here why don't you come with me and i can give you a lovely little place to work at my house.
Here ya go! off you set to work!
Hmmwhy are they just starting work at this time? The days nearly over
Come over guys...i have been told to reward you all with a denarius for working so hard today, thank you all
HEY that's not fair! they only just came..they should get less than us.
Now, now, all i have been is generous to all of you by already paying you a full salary after only your first day!..always be grateful because no one likes a selfish greedy man.
Ugh whatever well take it and come back in the morning.