Helen is captured by two men and taken one of there mom's house where she is held. The two men go to the Underworld for Persephone, but they never come back
We shall take her to my mom's house
Helen is rescued by her twin brothers while her kidnappers were in the Underworld. King Tendarius realizes Helen needs a husband as a protector.
You are not safe here we shall find you a husband
King Tendarius needs help from Odysseus to be sure no war would be started over his decision.
I need your help Odysseus
King Tendarius's plan works and allows Helen to choose her husband. She lands on Menelaus.
I choose Menelaus
Paris from Troy arrives in Sparta and falls in love with Helen. He remembers a long time promise from Aphrodite to make any women fall in love with him.
Remember that promise Aphrodite
Paris sneaks into Helen's bedroom and begs to come to Troy with him in hopes his parents will accept him finally. Under Aphrodite spell Helen agrees, but Menelaus is willing to start a war to get her back.
Come to Troy with me Helen, please, please, please