Lily and Jazz. Something doesn't look right. I should go check on them and see what's happening. Let's go Jade!
Lily would never do anything like that but... Jazz looks really mad. Maybe someone else did this.
Don't act smart Lily, you know exactly what I am talking about! How dare you post gossip about me on Instagram!
Jazz, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Here, check my phone, I have posted nothing on my account about you.
Jazz, I know you might feel disappointed and upset but it's not nice to blame others especially when you are assuming and aren't sure.
Oh... All this time, I was accusing her, I should've used the information around me to find the solution.
Jazz and Lily, take a seat, let's talk the problem out. We'll also figure out who did this to Jazz, we must find the culprit.
Come on Jazz, let's go find who is behind this all.
I have a lot to apologise to Lily about after this. I don't know what she thinks of me.
Coming right away.
I really need some space to calm myself down.
Okay, how about you both give each other some space because I reckon you need it.
Yes, I need time to think about what I have done wrong.
Jade, thank you so much for helping me understand what I did wrong and what I should've done. Lily, I am really sorry for accusing you of posting gossip about me. You didn't deserve this.
I did what I thought was right and I will always be there by your side.
It's okay Jazz, I forgive you. I know you did this because you were angry and upset at the gossip about you as it was untrue. I would never post something against you or information about you that you do not like.