80% of students will be successful in this class. While 20% of us with need more support. Max needs more help with reading, he seems to be falling behind.
90 minutes taught of each subject.
Universal Support: All students in one class, with regular progress reports
5-10% of us will be successful in this class. However, 90-95% will need more intensive support. Max still isn't reaching his goals and doesn't seem to be progressing. He will need a bit more support.
Teacher, Student ratio - 1:5
Targeted support: 30-40 minutes of focused learning on one subject.
Some of us have a harder time with school.
So we go to a special classroom to get better at reading.
Parens are always involved.
1:1 Support
Intensive Individualized Intervention: An IEP has been made for Max to help him succeed. With progress monitoring 1 time or more a week. He goes to a specialist and sees his Gen Ed teacher too.
I may not be in classes all the time with my friends, but I still have a lot of support and fun!
I go to class for 40-60 minutes in addition to my whole class instruction time.