Tamaya finds Chad in the woods after looking for him, his face looks terrible and he can't see very well.
Chad what are you doing here?
Tamaya feeds Chad since she feels bad for making him blind from throwing the fuzzy mud at his face.
Just a bit further, watch out for fuzzymud.
Tamaya leads Chad through the woods to try to get back to school She uses a stick to lead him through the woods since he can't see.
Let's get you three out of here.
Yes! Thank you so much officer!
As Tamaya and Chad walk through the forest they run into Marshall who went into the woods to rescue Tamaya, Chad is not happy about his presence.
through the woods longer Tamaya also loses her ability to see due to the fuzzy mud, Marshall must guide the two through the woods by himself.
After wandering through the woods for hours police finally find them and escort them out of the woods, they are unaware of the fuzzy mud. Chad needed to be carried but the other two could walk normlly.