Everyday, garbage and food leftovers are littered across urban environments, and sometimes, it ends up in the ocean.
When it ends up in the bottom of the ocean, it repels many aquatic creatures from their habitat(s). It may pollute the plants that can be found underwater like seaweed. Certain animals may confuse small pieces of plastic for shrimp or zooplankton and eat it, causing utter health problems to the animal.
And when those fish are caught and people buy them from the store, the people who consume it experience health issues.
Even when that doesn't happen, plastic is non-biodegradable, so it takes hundreds of years to decompose, especially when strong, harmful chemicals are added to it. When those chemicals are mixed in the soil, aquatic plant growth stops, making a harmful environment for aquatic life.
It can also infect water. Many indigenous tribes and nomadic peoples learnt how how to gather fresh water. When they consume polluted water, they gain diseases.
There have been many ways to prevent this. Some people tried not using single-use plastic and instead continue using one item made with single-use plastic for what it was meant to do or use materials like jute. Scientists even tried making an eco-friendly form of plastic to solve the situation. In the end, plastic pollution is a huge problem that has harmed many lives and it it all up to us to prevent it.