In Saint Domingue, Haiti slavery had been going on for years. Until 1791 when a group of slaves decided to fight for their freedom.
We have to run away these punishments are too harsh. They are very cruel! Lets revolt and be free!
There had been many fights before this one but they had to try again. With Toussanit Lovertures, a former slave emerged as the leader and Jean-Jacques-Dessalines, also a former slave as his general they were going to abolish slavery in Saint Domingue. They had to take their land from the French.
In 1792 they went to war. Over 500,000 slaves died in result. The Spanish sided with Toussaint. They provided food, supplies, and military support. While they fought France Andre Riguard lead free black and mulatto forces to the South to fight the British.
The French invited the British to the war to help them fight. But with too many lives loss they decided to give up and freed all slaves in 1794.
With a turn of events the French disregards the treaty a sends troops to capture Louverture where they do and he dies months later in France.
After Frances plans to reimpleament slavery and they fight again with Jean-Jacques Dessalines
The French losses and on January 1st 1804 they declare independence!