Okay.Wash your hands after take a bath and change your clothes
I give some food to the community pantry
Okay! I'm done watching my hands with soap and water for 20 seconds,after i have been in public place.
Aunty,i have washed my hands ,bath and changed my clothes.
Aunty,can you help in my homework on how to show kindness in this pandemic.
In,addition to handwashing we need to disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.This includes tables,doorknobs handles, desks and toilets.
After days later she went to her neighbour and stay because her parents are in hospital .
(1)Follow the laid down public health direction map.Goverment,local goverment village etc.And then help our front liners if they havethe capacity and knowledge being generous to those in need especially now that many are unemployed.If goodness is summed up,everyone can shoe it through courage.
Aunt,How can we show kindness in this pandemic?How can we prevent COVID 19?
She went to wash her hands after back to house from public places.
Aunty can you tell me more?
Where there is heroism there is a display of concern and remembrance for our countrymen during the pademic,where is heroism,there is goodness in our country.
She asked her aunty to help her to do her school homework.
Thank you aunt! I learned lot.
You're welcome honey!Stay home.Save lives .Stay keep,wash and cover
Her aunty help her to do the homework.
She asked more question about the homework.
Finally she done her homework with her aunty's help.