"The Tale-Tale Heart" (1843)- A Psychological thriller in which the narrator is driven to madness by the sound of an old mans heart under the floorboards. "The tall-Tale Heart"( 1845)- A Different work with the same tittle as 1843 story showcasing Poe's use of unreliable narrators and psychological horror. "The Black cat"( 1845) - A dark and unsettling tale of a man driven to madness by his mistreatment of his pets, leading to violence and murder. "The raven" (1845) - One of Poe's most famous poems, it tells the story of a man visited by a talking raven and explores themes of mourning and lost love. "The Philosophy of composition" (1846) - A critical essay in which Poe describes his approach to crafting "The Raven".
"The cask of Amontillado" (1846)- A tale of revenge and murder as the narrator lures his enemy into a catacomb to bury him alive behind a wall. "The domain of Arnheim" (1847) - A contemplative and utopian tale about the ideal landscape and human creativity. "Hop-Frog" (1849)- A satirical and dark comedic story of a court jester's revenge against his cruel masters. "Landor's cottage"(1849)- A contemplative and somewhat autobiographical tale that reflects on themes of loss, beauty, and tranquility. "William Wilson" (1849) - A story of a man Plagued by a doppelganger, which leads to a life of amoral decay and self-destructive.