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OTS Hand swiping on 'tik tok' styled frames, stopping on our 1st hero
1.3 -and it allows me to grow in more ways than one.
1.1:Volunteering has enriched my life…
Zoom into phone, hero takes full frame
1.4 We’re here to actively engage…”
Camera track back, revealing our hero on a simple background at the centre
1.5-our seniors and caregivers within the community.
Hero walks to wards elderly
Malay hero helps an elderly
And walks to the background while camera is closing in
Portrait in full frame on white, zooming out to reveal phone
2.2-When you engage with them on a daily basis, it becomes more than just volunteerism.
The hand scrolls down 2-3 more, and stops on another face on white background, It’s the Indian Ambassador.
2.3 -New friendships blossom… and that’s really nice!
2.4- Ihave learnt lots during my daily interactions…
The camera steps back to reveal he is sitting at a table with a few seniors playing Mah-jong. (white wall behind him)
2.5-In fact, the life skills attained allows me to help the next person.
He walks over to another table, and high-fives a senior
Camera keeps traveling to reveal a group of seniors playing music with our Chinese hero conducting.
Camera travels in to isolate hero on white background
3.1-We’re here to make a difference…to improve the quality of life for our care-givers and seniors.
camera.Camera zooms out revealing the phone,
Camera then travels out to reveal the person holding the phone, It’s another ambassador, she’s standing in the garden with seniors and volunteers gardening in the background.
3.3-We are always there for them every “step” of the way
PTC... slowly rythmic music gets louder
Music gets louder, camera turns around to reveal a Zumba line.
4.1 -Being a volunteer comes with its perks too! So come, grow with us!
An ambassador in the lineup shouts over the music enthusiastically As she makes a Zumba exaggerated step.
5 - GFX
Camera whips to a beach scene, a male volunteer is laying on a chaise lounge, with a female senior on each side in beach regalia.
6- Learn more about how you can be a SG Ambassador. Log on now!
Travel forward,He lowers his sunglasses and says to the camera...
GFX SUPERS on a phone screen, accompanied with check marks pops up on screen