Hi I'm Mr. Dopaminea and i like going to the gym and it make me feel stronger. and have some super-powers
i can help you your two brain parts are damaged it's a parietal lobe and wernick's area let me fix with mt powers.
Mr. dopamina i need help. Whenever I try to speck perfectly i messup I don't know why and when someone touches me i can not feel.
Hi dopaminea I'm josh how can i be your gym patner
Now you're my gym partner.
i got a question like sometimes I just forget some simple things like where is my school or what class am i in.
Hi dopaminea i don't know why but whenever someone is speaking to me I cannot hear them perfectly and whenever I try to focus on my school work or homework i cannot focus.
And that's how Mr. dopaminea helped people with his super powers.
Hi dopaminea like whenwver i try to foucs on my study and try to learn something new i can't focus.
I know what the problem is your hippocampus is damaged let me fix it with my power so you can remember your stuff.
I know what the problem is let me help you your temporal lobe and frontal lobe are not okay.
So the problem is that your Cerebellum is not working really well Let me fix it.