In the city of Aedeon lived two brothers. Cain and Abel. The two younglings were wizards who trained under Zachariah, The Wise.
The boys learned quickly, Why by the end of their first year of training they were pranking villages with summoned rodents and frogs.
The two trained for years, learning unique spells, and becoming more powerful by the day.
Zachariah congratulates the students on their training, and wishes them luck as they go about on there journeys
Cain and Abel set out to make a name for themselves,Traveling around the world learning new spells and abilities.
Queen Emira, hearing of the wizards exploits, calls for their aid. She tells the wizards of attacks from Dragons and asks them to slay the beasts .
The brothers, with their amazing talents, defeat the dragons and earn places in the queen's court. Cain becomes her personal teacher, and falls madly in love
Emira has also found a lover, but it is not Cain. The man she loves is the captain of her guard, Cain's brother Abel. The two go on long walks as Cain becomes jealous and bitter.
After a long courtship, Abel purposes to Emira in a field of flowers. He bestows upon her 3 gifts to show his love. Cain disguised as a raven watches, and returns to the castle broken.
In a fit of rage Cain seizes control of the castle, and awaits his rivals return.
Emira and Abel confront Cain, but before she can even speak Emira is teleported to a magical Prison. The two brothers argue and begin to battle.
3 days go by and the fight has not ceased, it looks as though the two could fight forever.
Cain strikes down his brother, and is named king. He rules with an Iron fist, and is loathed by all.
Emira, stuck in her prison, uses her gifts to plan her escape.
Cain rules for seven years, he grows old and paranoid.
Emira, finally strong enough, escapes her prison and confronts the tyrant Cain.
Cain and Emira fight for 3 days, and in that time He was unable to land a single strike on her.
With a burst of light, Emira cleanses the castle, throwing Cain from the room in the process.
With Cain gone light returns to the kingdom, and the people are happy once more.