It was war that forced Odysseus to leave his home.
I don't want any husband except you!
The came to the city of the Cicone, they went ashore, killing men and taking what they needed
If you meet any people treat them politely
Come here and lie with us
Vines dripping with clusters of golden fruit brushed against their heads as they past. The air was heavy with its rich, honeyed sent.
His men were still nervous but he persuaded them to stay. Taking dry wood from the back of the cave, they built themselves a fire and settled down to wait for the owner to return. They heard him before they saw him. THUD. THUD. THUD.
He used his sword to cut of a long piece of the pole. Then he hid the weapon' at the back of the cave- ready for the cyclops to return
Noe boddy has hurt me!
Has someone hurt you?!
He tided the cyclops' great sheep together in threes, knotting willow twigs into there thick, curly wool. Now, without making a sound he showed his men in sign language how to cling on underneath the middle sheep