After Kino smashes the scorpion to a paste, Juana begins sucking the poison in Coyotito's wound.
Let us throw it back in the sea where it belongs. Kino, it is evil, it is evil!
Marriage, Rifle, New Clothes, Education for Child
But Kino had lost his old world and he must clamber on to a new one. For his dream of the future was real and never to be destroyed, and he had said, “I will go,” and that made a real thing too. To determine to go and to say it was to be halfway there.
Kino, Juana, Juan Tomas, and Apolonia are calling for the doctor in hopes of a cure for Coyotito.
Kino and Juana begged the doctors servant to ask the Doctor if he could heal their baby. After learning that the family had no money, the gluttonous doctor told his servant to lie to them that he was busy when he was clearly not.
“In the surface of the great pearl he could see dreams form. He picked the pearl from the dying flesh and held it in his palm, and he turned it over and saw that its curve was perfect.”