Harlod Godwinson heads north to fight with Hardrada
Harald Hardrada invaded the UK, the reason was he was Furiouse that Harold Godwinson got the throne he immediatly declared war he came from Norway it took 300 ships can you belive that!!!!!
As soon as Godwinson hears the news he marches north to fight with Hardrada he gathered his armys armour and comunicattes with his army the housecarls they where the best of the best they were well paid well trained and most importantly they were ready to fight the fyrds were also invited to fight ,the fyrds are baisicly normal people that go to make the amount bigger so that the team against them would be frightened they also marched 180 MILES can you belive it !!!!!
The moment they got there they relized that hardrada had made the biggest mistake he had ever done HE FORGOT THE WEAPONS! after that they thought it woud be a good idea to split up but little did they know it would be a huggge mistake becuase they are stronger with more people.
The english army marched and marched until they got to the bridge were they regreted everything they had done in their lifetime becuase standing there at the moment was AN AXEMAN !!!!!!
The battle has started arrows flying from all angles soldiers diying from both sides but in a milisecond something devistating happens hardrada takes an arrow to his throught and died...
After the war had started and hardrada died the war ended imediatly the moment hardradas soul came out of hime the celebraition began soldiers cheering from the left side and the right side but that celebraition was cut short becuase william duke of normandy has strted to invade from the south when they were all standing north .......