Camilla was in the pool at the cabin. She had a beach ball. She was very happy.
Bad bat flew to the cabin and saw the beach ball. He wanted it.
He took the beach ball from Camilla.
HOUSE #CABIN index far front #POOL index near frontIN POOL WHO? eyebrows up #CAMILLE CHILD index leftDOING? eyebrows up PLAY smile#BEACH #BALL show BB classifier SHE HAS PLAY mimic tossing it up and down, bouncing
Camilla was sad. She started to cry.
SKY SEE FLYING flap wings WHO?#BAD #BAT show name sign BADBAT index rightBB-classifier HE SEES nonchalant goofy flying looks bored sees ballWANT! goofy smile
Molly and Hal came to help Camilla.
#BALL HE TAKES-FROM-HERBB-classifier HE HAS PLAY mimic tossing it up and down, bouncing
Molly and Hal took the beach ball back from Bad Bat.
[role shift] SAD sad facesad face gets sadderstarts bawlingTEARS sniffling
SUDDENLY WHO?PARENTS! FATHER #HAL MOTHER #MOLLY index front rightRUNNING TWO-OF-THEM HELP directional from front right to left
BB-classifier TWO-OF-THEM TAKE(sign for ADMONISH?)downward gaze, finger waggingSHE (Camille, index left) show stops crying, wiping tears, look serious but not crying
He bit the beach ball and it popped!
This made Camilla really sad angry!
She grabbed Bad Bat and tossed him into the pool. Bad Bat did not like to be wet!
BAD BAT [role shift right] mimic stubborn, arms crossed, poutingBB-classifier TAKES BITES show fangsBB-classifier DEFLATES show slow deflation to flat
Dad went to the store and got a new beach ball.
mimic two handed grabBAD BAT [role shift right] surprised, arms pinned, horrifiedCAMILLA [role shift left] overhead throwNEUTRAL [role shift center] BAD BAT IN POOL! WATER splashBAD BAT [role shift right] flailing, splashing
Camilla wanted to go back to the pool to play with the beach ball, but it was time for bed.
BAD BAT SWIM climb out of pool, shake self off, angry shouldersdirty looks the whole timeI'M LEAVING flap wings fly away dirty look over shoulder
CAMILLA [role shift left] jumping up and down, happy HE-GIVE-ME, PLAY?HAL [role shift right] NO shake-head, waveBEDTIME, TOMORROW PLAYCAMILLA [role shift left] OKAYNEUTRAL [role shift center] FAMILY HAPPY THE END