A man sitting with a bag - he is doing nothingThe camera slowly zooms into the image making the 'bag man' the centre point. The camera then holds this medium close up angle as shown by the red arrows.The lighting would be a natural top-down lighting mimicking the sun, shown by the yellow arrow.
The zoom into the subject will subtle and slow drawing the viewer in. The zoom and position will match with the next shot to make the transition seamless. It will be a jump cut to the next scene and will match the next scene so it looks as only the background changed
Man still sitting - location change - narration startsTop-down sunlight-like lighting again, yellow arrow.The camera will start with a similarly composed shot as before the cut and will then transition into a low closeup which will then move up towards the 'face'/bag of the actor.
Logo and information here
After the camera movement is done it will finish with an extreme close up.Top-down lighting will remain to create contrasting and effective shadows in the creases of the bag
Introduction of the music into the background as well as narration - location change to interior room.A wider shot showing the whole actor and the background.As for lighting we will have darker and 'moodier' lighting as it is indoors but it will still be bright enough that it isn't depressing.As for lighting we will have darker and 'moodier' lighting as it is indoors but it will still be bright enough that it isn't depressing.
The screen will then fade to black and have all the necessary information displayed such as price, name of company and the contact details (website, phone number, etc)