Can you here me?I come from the Gibinox star system.
Hello human's.I am Drak of planet Xanthe.Your Earth look's amazing!
Hi im Blub that sun of your's look's hot.That was supposed to be my line Blub!!!
Someone cut the cheese
We are entering the Gas Planet's now.That's why its starting to smell.I don't smell it I don't even have a nose. Maybe we are near Jupiter
Did you know that earth is the only planet that is known to have life?
Did you know the sun can launch a big burst of energy those are called solar flare's
The Joke Giant
Did you know Jupiter had a storm called The Red Spot has been raging for around 350 YEAR'S!!!!
Bye,bye human's we shall see you again!
Well it looks like bye humans.Yep we shall see you in 3 million light years bye!
Even though Mercury is closer to the sun Venus is hotter because it has a very dense and thick atmosphere so when it take's in heat from the sun it keep's it in it's atmosphere.
Venus is HOT!!!!
Did you know Uranus is made of methane it's what we use to make fire in a stove
Uranus get it?Really that joke again.Yep it is Drak.AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Earth is not the only planet that has water Mars has water too.