It was a cold and rainy night in a faraway planet, called Flurtern plant. And in the margins, there lied a baby boy wrapped in a leaf, sleeping.
Then one house of the village, a man and his wife came outside and thought they saw something outside
So once Oxygen graduated college,his teacher gave him a badge to work at the Air pollution center
I think I see something outside
Then they both saw the baby.
Oh my goodness gracious, it's a baby!
Then they decided to keep the baby
Lets keep him
Oxygen and Hydrogen are now going to Earth for their honeymoon
Once they the took the baby inside, he started crying
The man introuduecd him to his own baby son+
This is our son,Bleepu
As the years passed by, the baby, Oxygen was playing with his friends
Well done Oxygen, I'm giving you a badge to work at the Air pollution center
Meanwhile, An evil man named Uranium was taking over his own power plant and turning it into a toxic waste zone
Hahaha, my evil plan is working,soon this nuclear plant will be a toxic waste zone
Meanwhile,Oxygen was getting married to one of his childhood friends named Hydrogen,but she doesn't know he is her childhood friend,She just thinks it is some random nice guy who she wants to marry
Yeah even I'm really excited
I'm so excited we're going to Earth aren't you
Meanwhile, Uranium and his younger brother,Carbon were in there secret evil labratory, planning to take over earth
Maybe we can take over Earth and destroy the whole planet
Once Oxygen and Hydrogen reached Earth, they booked a hotel at the alpine mountains
This seems like a good place to stay
Yeah but how long will we be staying here
Oxygen told hydrogen they would be staying for about a week
Ok,sounds good
I'd say about a week and then once we return home we can go and live in my private mansion
I know right
Meanwhile,Uranium and Carbon were on their way to destroy Earth