Sure, i’d love to celebrate, it’s my duty to help people,I’m happy to help.
Mom, you won’t believe it, I was forced out of a restaurant but then I met NAT and she helped me get the cake i’m so thankful
Oh my god, as long as you guys are okay, thank you so much NAT, do you want to celebrate together?
They all shout out in a chorus “HOORAY to good deeds!!! This is so fun!!!”
The party was amazing until I had to help someone else, I can only help them through this donation box which powers me and I love to make a change, if you'd like to make your dent into this problem, donate now at NAACP and make the world a better place!
Donate Now!!!
Jackson and NAT reach back home where they explain what happened and how it happened, they then plan on celebrating.
This is where the story begins as Jackson is tasked to get a cake for his mom's birthday. Jackson agrees and the story begins.(10 Secs)
NAT(NAACP Action Taker) briefs the viewer on what they could do to help out this situation by donating to this cause