In Athens, their society was based on education and intellectual talents. Only boys went to school though, while girls stayed home and learned how to become a good wife .
In Athens, Women had no freedom and were controlled by men.
In Athens, they were ruled by aristocrats and they owned the best land and controlled political life .
In Sparta, their society was based on military. Males spent their childhood learning military discipline and enrolled in the military at age 20. They also had a military state.
In Sparta, Women had more freedoms, they were allowed to excerise, could inherit own, and manage property.
In Sparta, they were ruled by two kings and were an oligarchy.
In Sparta, their society was based on military. Males spent their childhood learning military discipline and enrolled in the army at the age of 20. They also had a military state.
In Sparta, their society was based on military. Males spent their childhood learning military discipline and enrolled in the military at age 20. They also had a military state.