hey !! tomorrow comes the ship with the slaves. Can you imagine how many slaves we can buy?
you're right!! we can buy at least 10 slaves in that way we can improve our production so we can have more money.
sir how many hour do we have to work?
are we allowed to take lunch at noon?
as per instructions received you must work for at least 18h per day.you can take 15 min lunch. after your shift ends you have to report how many kilos of cotton you collected.
duringnthe whole day you must be working here, keep in mind that you have a target that you must follow If you don't follow instruntions you know what will happen later.
today I had a bad day I was punished with lashes, just because I had helped another black men
mom I'm tired today I helped in the kitchen but in the evening Ms Evans made go to buy food after that she forced me to iron all her dresses, but I couldn't finish everything during the allotted time, she punished me and didn't allow me to eat. I can't stand this situation.
I know how hard it's this situation darling, but there's nothing we can do. We borned to be slaves and we just have the get used to it.
I wasn't able to finish again. they told me that I'll be sent to the plantations as a punish. If I'm not good at it , they will punish me with a whip.
hey what's wrong you look very sad. Don't tell me that you didn't finish your assigned tasks again?
this is getting harder everyday, at the very beginning we just had to deliver 10kilos per day but now we must deliver 20 kilos
I know but we have no more options. that's how he have to live our lives, we're slaves and that's it, we don't have a future this is all we have.