Learn about the the different atomic models and theories throughout history by reading this comic. Enjoy!
Atomic Theory Comic
If I were to cut this cheese into pieces, I would come to a point where the pieces cannot be cut into smaller pieces. Maybe I should write my ideas on this board.
400 BCE in Abdera, Greece . . .
Everything is made from atoms
Aha! I should name these particles atomos because they're uncuttable. What a genius idea.
Atoms are indivisible,indestructible, and always in motion
Democritus! I see that you are using my ideas to theorize something. However, I don't know why you drew a cheese.
There is an infinite number of atoms and kinds of atoms, which differ in shape and size
Hey Dimitris! The cheese that I used for my theory had a meltdown! Just kidding. You should learn that nothing exists except atoms and space, everything else is opinion.
Ha ha ha! I never knew that. I like the way you used cheese to create your theory!
Written and Drawn by Andrew Liu
Atoms are uniform, solid, hard, incompressible, and indestructible. They move in infinite numbers through empty space until stopped by . . .
Impossible! There is no way that the entire universe is made from atoms. Your theory is a joke!
Hmm? These atoms must have combined in a specific ratio to form a compound. This might be be how chemical compounds are formed.
Around 400 BCE in Abdera Greece, Democritus created the first atomic model and theory that would revolutionize the future thinking of atoms.
Calm down John! Your ruining my afternoon nap with your loud noises.
Democritus was known as the laughing philosopher because of his emphasis on the value of "cheerfulness." He summarized his atomic theory in one sentence to others around him.
For me, I think that an atom is a smooth and solid sphere like this, with no electrical charge. It is the smallest piece of any element that cannot be seen at all.
smooth solid sphere
The Atomic Theory All Matter is made of atoms which are too small to see.Compounds are combinations of different types of atoms. All Atoms of any one element are identical. Atoms cannot be created destroyed, or subdivided during chemical changes.
You stole my ideas!!!.
Aristotle famously rejected Democritus's Atomic Theory, refusing to believe that the whole of reality is reducible to a system of atoms like Democritus had said before.
In 1803 Dalton discovered that oxygen combined with either one or two volumes of nitric oxide in closed vessels over water. This provided important experimental evidence for his atomic ideas.
1803 in Manchester UK
After numerous experiments, he proposed an atomic theory of matter that could explain the behaviour of chemical reactions in 1808. His idea drew upon the Greek idea of atoms or specifically, the ideas of Democritus.
Get out of my sight Democritus! Your were suppose to be dead 2000 years ago.
Wow, that was more interesting than I thought.
1808 Manchester, UK
Amazing work!!!Let me take a photo of your ideas that you wrote ont he board!