¿Para empezar Chris, cuéntanos un poco sobre ti para la gente quequizás no te conozca?
I am an Americansniper and soldier belonging to the United States Navy SEALs, famous for beingthe deadliest sniper in the military history of that country. During the 2003invasion of Iraq and the Iraq War, Iraqis nicknamed it Al-Shaitan Ramadi.
To begin please Chris, could you tell us something that describes you, for thepeople that didn´t know about you?
¿Hay alguna baja de la que te arrepientas?
Honestly not at all the casualties Icaused were to defend my colleagues and more clearly my nation.
Is there some kill that you wouldn´t have done?
¿Qué piensas cuando estas disparando a alguien?
Well, the truth is, the first time you shoot someone you don't know if you can really do it, you think about theproblems that killing the bad person can cause you. The truth is that I try tothink that I am helping and protecting the world.
What do you think about, when you´re shotting?
¿Te consideras una persona agresiva?
I do not consider myself anaggressive person. Yes, it is true that I am trained to be a little moreaggressive when I have to be, but I do not go down the street hitting people.
Do you consider yourself an agressive person?
¿Podrías explicar que es una muerte confirmada?
Basically, a confirmed kill is aperson who, after shooting, my colleagues reach the body and confirm that he isnot still alive. It is a process that must be detailed later in the documentsthat we fill out after each mission.