My blender is not working? Let's use the scientific Method to find out why my blender will not work.
Form A hypothesis=Is the blender pulled in?Is the blades not on right?Is there not enough in it?Is it just simple old.
I look to see if my blender is pulled in and it is. I take the blades out and in still did not work. I put more juice in it and it still did not work. Now I make a infince. I see that the the lid had a arrow on it.
Gather data. Now we gather information to figure out why the blender it not working.
Information.I know the blender is on and that it is pulled in. I also know that there is enough juice to make a smooth. One more thing I know is the blades are on correctly.
Now we will analyse our data.
My data shows that the blender it pulled in, there is enough stuff in and the blades are on right. Then I noiced there is a arrow going up on the other side of the blender.