When a Volcano erupts, the hot magma inside the Earth's crust comes out and flows in the form of lava.
The hot lava cools down on the surface of the Earth and forms Extrusive Igneous Rocks.
The Extrusive Igneous rocks are broken down into small pieces or sediments due to weathering caused by air, water, etc. These sediments are carried away through erosion and deposited under the sea beds.
The Sediments are deposited to the base of the Sea and when many such layers are deposited one on top of the other, they get pressed and cemented together to form the Sedimentary Rocks.
When the Sedimentary Rocks or Igneous Rocks undergo alot of heat and pressure, they change into Metamorphic Rocks.
When the Temperatue inside the Earth's crust is too high, the rocks melt down to form Magma. This Magma cools down very slowly under the Earth's surface and forms Intrusive Igneous Rocks.