I have to walk to school everyday, because I live far and the bus doesn't go past my house
It is so boring here, I have no friends here. I have no one to socialize with, only my dad.
All the plants are drying out, and finding a job is becoming difficult each and everyday.
It's okay dad, you'll find something.
Malaika walks to school and back every single day, as the school bus is unable to fetch her.
Malaika doesn't have a social life, she doesn't have anything to entertain or friends. It her and her dad.
That movie was so funny.
Malaika's dad has been looking for a job for over 2 years, since be let go during pandemic. He sells crops to. are a little bit of money for the basic things they need like food, clothes etc.
I'm so happy I found this job, now I can make money and take care of Malaika
Malaika can take the bus to school everyday.
Malaika has made friends at school, and they occasionally go to the mall to shop or go to the movies.
Malaika's dad found a job, now he can make money to provide for himself and Malaika.