All stars begin in huge clouds of gas and dust which are known as stellar nebulas.Stars spend almost 90% of their cycle in this state.
Stage 4: Super Nova
This is the main stage in a star's life cycle. Massive stars are born like normal stars, out of stellar nebulas.It is a star that has a relatively larger radius and mass.
Stage 5 (final stage): Neutron star/Blackhole
It exhausts hydrogen fuel, evolves off of the main sequence, and transitions to fusing helium within its core. As this occurs, the star's radius expands, causing its temperature to plummet.
A supernova is when a star creates a massive explosion, each so powerful that it is visible even over vast distances.
A neutron star is formed when the core of a supergiant star collapses. Stellar black holes can shape when the center of a large superstar collapses in upon itself. This can also cause another supernova, or an exploding star.