Sorry about that, I've been feeling quite down lately and I didn't really check my phone.
In This Scenario, Peter and one of his closest friends Sarah are having lunch. He's been feeling really down and is at one of his lowest points. After not replying to her texts for a while, he decides to meet up with her as he's been really lonely.
You haven't replied to any of my messages lately, are you ok?
In this Scenario Peter and his Mother are at a restaurant eating dinner. Peter received his Antipsychotic and Anti - Tremor medicine 3 days ago. He was informed by the doctors that the medicine would take time to start working and Peter has been feeling quite disappointed as the medicine has not been as effective as he hoped for. His mother has been encouraging him to be patient and keep taking his medicine.
The Medicine the doctors gave me has not even been working, what's the point of taking it.
You heard the doctors son, be patient. Once the medicine starts kicking in you'll feel much better
In this scenario, Peter is having his cognitive behavioral therapy session. Over the past week, he's been taking these sessions and it has helped him with his problem solving skills and social skills. They've mostly been focused on his social skills and ever since he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, making friends has been a lot harder.
I want to believe it's the fight but I keep feeling like it's because of my issues..
Do you think having schizophrenia is why you lost James as a friend or It's because of the fight?