Do you havc the prescribed dry suit with helmets and gloves?
wow its really hot
Brock is about to go outside the dome for the first time. The scanner asks him if he has the right suit and the gloves with the food pellets.
Brock leaves the dome but isn't sure to keep going becausse he heard that everyone that has left never returned.
Hey everybody look what i found a canius lupus
What the heck is that
I thought those were extinct
Brock is walking across the planet hoping to find something roaming around
this water is amazing
Brock finds a canius lupus. He doesnt believe because he learned that these didnt exist anymore. After careful thougth and consideration he decides to take the dog back to the dome with him.
Brock comes back with Brog the dog he found while on his expediton. The scientists are freaked out because they all thought that species was expired.
Brock realizes that the air isn't toxic so he takes off his helmet. Brock and Brog enjoy a long drink of water from the stream.