God James! Let me have my coffee in peace for once. How many times have I told you not to believe everything you see on the internet. There has been no evidence that proves that Covid-19 was trasmitted from bats to humans. And they don't suck blood! Most of them are insectivores or frugivores. Only a few of bat speices are vampire bats and they feed on livestock's blood.
Look Dominic! I just read an article. They're saying bats are the reason why the COVID-19 pandemic started in the first place. I bet it's true since they go around sucking blood. They're just like mosquitoes, pests that are good for nothing
Since they only come out at night in search for food and rest during the day, we're not really familiar with them and tend to misjudge them. In fact, their existence is so significant to many ecosystems and our economy that we should be putting more effort into protecting them
Ahhh.. really? Damn. I didn't know. But why are they that important?
As you can see James, bats are present in almost almost all places: caves, deserts, rainforests and even our attics except Antartica since its climate is harsh.
Having thin membranes that function as wings, bats are the only mammals capable of prolonged flight which makes it convenient for bats to travel long distances in search of food
Oh yeah! Now that you mentioned about bats in detail Dominic, I just remembered that bats use echolocation to detect preys and things around them, don't they?
That's right. Bats don't rely on their eyesight to catch their prey so echolocation aids them during hunting at night. And like I mentioned, they are mostly insectivores.A typical bat can consme the equivalent of its weight during a typical night. Did you know that in United States alone, insect-eating bats can prevent farmers from losing 23 billion USD in agricultural losses each year
Wow!! That's a lot of money. I'm sure the farmers can spend less on pesticides because of bats
Come on! We have to go now. Let's discuss about this on the way to school!
You're right and that leads us to environmental benefits. Less use of pesticides means less pollution and a reduction in the release of greenhouse gases. And also bats are the primary pollinators and seed dispersers of 7/10 of all tropical fruits and even hundreds of species of agave and cactus plants that inhabit deserts. They are also reforesters of many tropical clearings. So just imagine how damaged our ecosystems would be without bats.
I'm kind of ashamed I thought they were useless. They should really be protected just like other endangered animals. Are bats doing well? Are they even protected?