Storyboard Description
At six months of age, the baby may be able to make various sounds such as babbling and gurgling. The baby may move their eyes the direction of the sound.
12 months, the child may mimic speech sounds under simple instructions, recognize words used to describe common items- and able to say a few words.
18 months, the child may use up to 10 words and be able to assemble a couple of words to make a simple sentence such as "mummy eat".
At two years old, the child may use various simple phrases, ask and understand simple one-to-two word question, up to 50 words.
Around three years old, the child starts to use language for various reasons. for example to obtain wants, needs, and tell stories.
Preschool age (4-4.5 years old) Familiar with language rules to connect, quantify, and express feelings similar to an adult. As an elementary student, their language begins to expand, while learning how to read and write.