I am a predator preying on a mouse that hasn't adapted to the environment and isn't blended in
I was able to blend into the environment because I adapted to it and change my fur into the color of the surrounding
In 2003, a team of scientist from the University of Arizona discovered Rock Pocket Mice which have light tawny fur to blend in
During the lab, they found a different type of mice that had darker fur to blend in with the rocks and other parts of the environment. The scientists discovered that they were evolutionary cousins to the light fur mice and that there was a genetic change that made the fur change colors
The biologists discovered that all 18 of the dark mice had a match between the color of their coat and dark spelling of MC1R. The light tawny fur mice had a perfect math with lighter spelling MC1R but the Armendaris mice did not match either but were almost the same color. Scientists said this was because of different genes mutating to almost identical colors in different regions. They also said that there were many different examples of this in the wild.
The biologists worked out the genetic details that allowed the change to happen. They were able to narrow it down to 2 different genes for the color change. MC1R or agouti were the two genes. MC1R was responsible for producing the darker fur and agouti was responsilbe for the light tawny color.