Facts and figures about Qatar's communication campaign for COVID-19
Foreign Aid Cover
Text about Qatar's (foreign) humanitarian measures related to COVID-19
Foreign Aid Details
Facts and figures about Qatar's measures related to foreign aid for COVID-19
This frame contains facts and figures about Qatar's communication campaign for COVID-19. There are two illustrations (one person using a phone and one using a laptop) on the right and bullet points pan in from the left (one after another); the bullet points are displayed one at a time.
Logo Outro
This frame contains a video of jet leaving with humanitarian aid from Qatar. White text pans in from the lower left corner. There is no background color.
This frame contains facts and figures about Qatar's measures related to foreign aid for COVID-19 impact reduction. There are two illustrations (of healthcare workers) on the right and bullet points pan in from the left (one after another); the bullet points are displayed one at a time.
This frame contains the logo (emblem and text) of the GCO. Both of these elements pan in from the left.