Oh my god look at the time we're gonna be late we have to go now especially if it's a 15 minute drive. We cant be late to my first day of school!
Okay, honey I'm almost done, oh by the way did you know that if someone wanted to go somewhere 200 years ago they would have to use horseback or walk from place to place. Later people made wheels which helped them use wagons to transport things fatser and easier.
Wow transportation has changed a lot I feel spoiled because we have a car, I can't imagine gow it would feel like walking everywhere.
Well using wagons or walking everywhere wansn't the only thing there were times when railroads and canals were built in the 1800's which resulted in the builds of the stea engine by Thomas Newcomen in 1712 which helped with the invention of steamboats and trains which improved transportation a lot.
I can't believe the growth we've had in transportation from walking ,to wheels, to canals, to steamboats and trains it's just so much to wrap my head around the thought of not having cars or planes to go to far away places and it is so astonishing that so much was invented around the 1800's.
Well the only reason we have planes and cars is because of the first internal combustion engine made in 1860 which later people made upgrades to get what we have now. So I guess you can thank your ancestors for the inventions and enjoy what we have now.