15th June, 1815. Napoleon invades the kindome of the netherlands.
18th June, 1815. The battle of waterloo begins.
4pm. Marshal Ney thinks he sees the enemy retreat so sends a charge to drive them off more. He is mistaken and the British didnt retreat but formed boxes that the french could not break into, it was a big loss for the french.
4pm. Prussian's army have finaly arrived for back up for the british as promised. The prussian capture a village and that forces napoleon to send some of the french to go back behind him and battle, weakening his army even more.
6pm. Finaly the french capture the center barnhouse the British were using, bringing Napoleon to the center of the feild making it easier for him to destroy those boxes the british had made earlier.
7pm. It's looking bad for both sides, Napoleon calls for the most feared army in Europe but it does no good and Napoleon is forced to retreit. The British make a big push from the front, the Prussians from the back sandwiching Napoleon who only just escapes.