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Starting with Module 5: Migration Speciation
Geez, it's been extremely hot lately and I can't find much food. It's time to find a new home.
WOW! I've never seen bears this color. Im curious to how this came about...
Hello, finally someone is awake. I don't mean to intrude but the weather has been brutal and food has been scarce where I'm originally from. I'm looking for a new home and companions. My name is Buddy by the way.
Hi Buddy, my name is Tilly. It'd be great to have you. It's nice and cool and we have plenty of food! I can introduce you to the others. I also heard you from over there, You're curious to know about our color.
I later learned that my parents moving was called migration. I also learned that combining their red and blue genes together was called speciation. Since my mother was displaced due to a natural disaster it's specifically called allopatric speciation.
So, just like you my dad, who is a blue bear, migrated from his birthplace. He ended up meeting my mom, a yellow bear, who unintentionally migrated due to an earthquake in her birthplace. My parents ended up falling in love and having me and my siblings.
There's also another speciation called sympatric. This happens if bears located on the same island somehow got seperated. During their separation they adapted and evolved to their new environments. Say they each evolved so much that they could no longer mate with one another because they became too different.
Hmm... that's pretty interesting. I always thought that only bears of the same color can have kids of the same color. We all look the same where I'm from.
Well, its a little more complicated than you think. It ended up working out for my mom and dad because although they are different colors they are the same species. If it were a fish and a bird trying to mate that wouldn't work out. Wait till we make it home! We're a pretty diverse group.
Ahhh, I see it's beginning to make sense now.
Here we are! These are my family and friends. We are all the result of migration and gene flow!
It's quite a long story actually I can tell you on the way.
WOW! I've never seen anything like this. Nice to meet you all!