Sybil Ludington was the oldest of 8 at the time of her historic contribution, later to become the oldest of 12. Her father was a militia colonel of the Continental Army and used their farm as the primary receiving center for the revolution's spy network. Sybil often helped with both her family's and her father's responsibilities.
When a messenger came to alert her father that the British were attacking the neighboring town called Danbury -which held some of the Continental Army's major stores- it was of urgent need to gather the troops from their homes quickly. Since the messenger and his horse were too tired and her father was far to busy, Sybil volunteered to be the one to ride over 40 miles by herself the stormy night of April 26, 1777 in an attempt to collect as many of the men as she could to give the British a fight of resistance.
After the war was over, many people forgot about what Sybil Ludington had done. As time passed she got married and had one son, whom she named Henry. For many years her and her husband ran an inn in Catskill, New York, which she continued to run by herself after he passed away. She later died in 1839 and her final resting place is in Patterson, New York. She didn't get the recognition that she really deserved until the early twentieth century, but now, many people work hard so that everyday more people learn her heroic story.