I used to live in the Philipines, but now I work on a ship.
We have very small rooms to live in, and we have lots of work to do compared to the small amount we are payed
We barely ever see each other
At least I get paid
We give people cruises for a relatively low price. I travel the world a lot.
We dump a lot of our waste materials in the sea! Like sewage and cleaning water!
We share rooms in the bowels of the ship, and don't even get a break when it is stormy!
Quite a lot of the waste comes from washing clothes and cleaning cooking materials.
I usually send some of the money home, so that my family can buy food.
It also pollutes the air
This really isn't good for the environment as the fish drink it and sometimes end up dying.
It's really hot and sweaty work, especially as the temperatures outside are usually 35 degrees or hotter. I sometimes have to pay other people to help me, as if i don't complete the work, I get shouted at.
The smoke contributes to global warming, and makes it unpleasant for others using the water ways. This all comes from things like powering the engines and air conditioning.