The story of "Sirena" starts with a mermaid telling the story to two little mermaids.
The story starts with Sirena being explained to the reader as " hard working but easily distracted by her yearning for water." But lets start the story now. Sirena would weave in the morning and cook.
One day Sirena's mom was preparing for a feast her cousin made. Sirena was swimming in the river and her sister went to the river to collect water and saw Sirena swimming and told Sirena that her mother was looking for her.
Sirena after going to her mother and getting a task from her, left to get breadfruit from her auntie across the bay. But Sirena's mind wondered off to the birds flying over the bay. Sirena thought to herself and said" I'll take a small break and swim for a bit. That break turned into the entire day. By the time Sirena got out of the water it was night.
When Sirena returned home her mother was furious with her. Sirena's mother grounded her from swimming. Sirena didn't listen and went off to the river. Her mother cursed her and said " If she swam again that she would turn into an ugly fish." Sirena didn't listen and her grandmother prayed for her that her beauty wouldn't be taken away.
Sirena couldn't live without swimming and she choose to jump into the water. She was afraid to turn into a fish but she was surprised to find that she didn't turn into one. Sirena felt her legs binding, twisting and turning. She was surprised that only her legs turned but not her whole body. Her tail had iridescent scales instead of the gray scales. With Sirena saying her final good-byes swam away.