The scene opens with a mother, Fran, who is loading her car with groceries after a long day of running errands. She is exhausted and still has to pick her kids up from school, cook dinner, and do other household responsibilities.
Scene 3: Problem Solving
Back at home, Fran's husband Dave notices how stressed she's been lately. He tells her he'll handle the kids and the house for the rest of the week and that she should take some time for herself and do something she enjoys.
Scene 5: Solution
Just relax
Before bed, Fran does her nightly Facebook Scroll and comes across an ad for the Studio Hair Salon and Day Spa. She decides to click on the account and look at the page further.
Scene 6: Conclusion
How was your day honey?
It was great! We've got to get a couples massage!
Fran decides to go to the Studio's website and book a facial.
I should just try it out
When she arrives at the Studio, she is immediately sat down, and her facial begins. She's never felt more relaxed and content
Fran arrives home with a clear mind and a clean house. Her husband greets her at the doors and asks about her day. She will be booking another appointment at the Studio soon.